
        ﹤ Planet of Homogeneous Images ﹥    

                       4k video + virtual installation in outer space

Planet of Homogeneous Images uses images as a tangent to explore images as the primary means of perceiving the planet in the present, as well as the mimetic and real nature of images themselves. The artist's work is a virtual installation. There are nine balls in a mirrored room. These balls represent the planets. The focus is on the mapping of the surfaces of these balls. For the common people, there is actually no opportunity to see the planets with their own eyes. The public's knowledge of the planets comes only from those images and descriptions on the Internet. The public's perception is built from these materials. For this the artist uses images from different sources, such as official images published by NASA, images used in authoritative encyclopedias, images searched on the Internet, and images generated by AI text to images. The artist averages these images from different sources and overlaps them to give birth to new homogeneous images, a process that attempts to fuse complex image variants into a homogeneous assemblage.

On this basis, the artist uses digital technology to reproduce the planet in a virtual world as a new homogeneous image, and in the installation, the surface mapping of the planet will be played in turn as a video of the homogenized image. The artist has also deliberately erased the volume scale between the different stars in an attempt to present the homogeneous images in a more neutral way.

With the launch of this work into space, the homogeneous images are in a sense confronting the real "images" themselves. This confrontation will give more meaning to the work.